Japan Ashley vs American Ashley...
It is certain that life in Japan is drastically different than life at home. I never questioned this. But I am realizing a few things lately that are kind of neat/weird/dist
urbing in, well... me. :)
First of all, America Ashley (we'll call her AA from now on...lol) was terrified to speak or sing in public. In fact, AA wouldn't even sing in front of Casey (except singing 'Mr. Jones' a few times, but that's about it). However, Japan Ashley (JA, of course) is now sort of craving some more karaoke. I guess that would fit into the weird/disturbing category. Oh, and AA also swore that the first and only song 'she' would sing would be Mr. Jones... and well... about 12 songs later, Mr. Jones is still MIA. :) (The picture cracks me up... Casey and I look pretty intense. We were singing "Paradise City" by Guns 'N Roses. That obviously wasn't the part with air-guitar.)
Next, JA cleans. AA barely knew how. Now Casey would probably have a few words on this subject, but for now, you get my version. :) AA was pretty cluttered. JA, while still a little cluttered, is significantly less cluttered than AA. Also, JA doesn't mind doing the dishes. Is it because we have maybe 5 dishes in this place? Probably. But it's so much less annoying. You would practically have to bribe me to do the dishes in America. Not sure why I hated it so much, but either way, I don't mind doing it now. (We'll see if JA will fit in the suitcase back to America...) :)
JA eats a lot more. And I am also eating things I NEVER would have tried in my life. I always said Casey was the only one that would eat food that had a face. I was always weirded out by it, I think mainly because it was staring back at me and making me feel guilty. There is something about looking in the eyes of something you are about to eat... it's all mental, I know. But this has been a lifelong thing with me (or AA, if you will). I remember being a kid and catching my first fish with my Grandpa. We took it home, and Mom cooked it up and set it in front of me to eat. And I started bawling.
In Japan, I have tried quite a few things (like the one thing in the entry about Gopal's farewell party) that I never would have before. Shrimp with eyes and tail, raw beef, chicken cartilage, raw egg, etc. By the way, eggs and beef are a lot fresher here, so please don't worry (Mom)... I wouldn't eat it otherwise. :)
Other differences are: JA rides a bike. JA sleeps a lot and sometimes doesn't get dressed until 5 p.m. (and I work from home so I don't have to! Yay!) JA's bed is the size of a Tic-Tac. JA wears 5 layers of clothing to stay warm, and sits in front of a space heater most of the day. JA knows how to knit! (AA never had the patience...)
AA would have totally freaked out about moving to another country for 4 months. AA probably would have cried a lot (and not necessarily at Japanese soap operas!) and been really homesick. AA wouldn't have tried absinthe (for obvious reasons!) and would not have stayed out all night. AA could also drink a lot less than JA, if you can believe it. (Now it's two drinks instead of one!! Haha just kidding...)
So what happened to me? Maybe it's the MSG (JUST KIDDING AGAIN!), maybe it's the mountains, maybe it's all this time I have to think. But I think either way, JA will be nice to have in America in a few months. Hopefully she'll decide to come back to the US, even though the flight is excruciatingly long.
Okay, so that's enough of my attempting to write in 3rd person (or 2nd?)... I'm confusing myself. Either way, Japan is changing me, and I hope it's for the better. :)
Here's another picture, just because I feel one isn't enough. :) I took this on Wednesday evening... we have a really good view from our apartment! And I love sunsets, so I couldn't help myself.


First of all, America Ashley (we'll call her AA from now on...lol) was terrified to speak or sing in public. In fact, AA wouldn't even sing in front of Casey (except singing 'Mr. Jones' a few times, but that's about it). However, Japan Ashley (JA, of course) is now sort of craving some more karaoke. I guess that would fit into the weird/disturbing category. Oh, and AA also swore that the first and only song 'she' would sing would be Mr. Jones... and well... about 12 songs later, Mr. Jones is still MIA. :) (The picture cracks me up... Casey and I look pretty intense. We were singing "Paradise City" by Guns 'N Roses. That obviously wasn't the part with air-guitar.)
Next, JA cleans. AA barely knew how. Now Casey would probably have a few words on this subject, but for now, you get my version. :) AA was pretty cluttered. JA, while still a little cluttered, is significantly less cluttered than AA. Also, JA doesn't mind doing the dishes. Is it because we have maybe 5 dishes in this place? Probably. But it's so much less annoying. You would practically have to bribe me to do the dishes in America. Not sure why I hated it so much, but either way, I don't mind doing it now. (We'll see if JA will fit in the suitcase back to America...) :)
JA eats a lot more. And I am also eating things I NEVER would have tried in my life. I always said Casey was the only one that would eat food that had a face. I was always weirded out by it, I think mainly because it was staring back at me and making me feel guilty. There is something about looking in the eyes of something you are about to eat... it's all mental, I know. But this has been a lifelong thing with me (or AA, if you will). I remember being a kid and catching my first fish with my Grandpa. We took it home, and Mom cooked it up and set it in front of me to eat. And I started bawling.
In Japan, I have tried quite a few things (like the one thing in the entry about Gopal's farewell party) that I never would have before. Shrimp with eyes and tail, raw beef, chicken cartilage, raw egg, etc. By the way, eggs and beef are a lot fresher here, so please don't worry (Mom)... I wouldn't eat it otherwise. :)
Other differences are: JA rides a bike. JA sleeps a lot and sometimes doesn't get dressed until 5 p.m. (and I work from home so I don't have to! Yay!) JA's bed is the size of a Tic-Tac. JA wears 5 layers of clothing to stay warm, and sits in front of a space heater most of the day. JA knows how to knit! (AA never had the patience...)
AA would have totally freaked out about moving to another country for 4 months. AA probably would have cried a lot (and not necessarily at Japanese soap operas!) and been really homesick. AA wouldn't have tried absinthe (for obvious reasons!) and would not have stayed out all night. AA could also drink a lot less than JA, if you can believe it. (Now it's two drinks instead of one!! Haha just kidding...)
So what happened to me? Maybe it's the MSG (JUST KIDDING AGAIN!), maybe it's the mountains, maybe it's all this time I have to think. But I think either way, JA will be nice to have in America in a few months. Hopefully she'll decide to come back to the US, even though the flight is excruciatingly long.
Okay, so that's enough of my attempting to write in 3rd person (or 2nd?)... I'm confusing myself. Either way, Japan is changing me, and I hope it's for the better. :)
Here's another picture, just because I feel one isn't enough. :) I took this on Wednesday evening... we have a really good view from our apartment! And I love sunsets, so I couldn't help myself.

You guys look so cute in that picture! Looks like you are having a great time! Miss you girl!
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