Disappearing Snow
It snowed last night!!! I woke up this morning to the phone ringing and Casey saying, "You should look outside..." at that point there was a good inch of snow on the ground, and it was still snowing. I got excited and called my parents. By the time I was off the phone with them, the sun was out and half of the snow was already melted. Booo!!! But it was neat to see while it lasted. I would have taken a picture if I would have known how fast it would be gone. Apparently it's just supposed to rain the rest of the time. Good while it lasted!
I had a nice chat with my parents this morning, though. Sounds like things are going pretty well at home. Charley is apparently getting bigger and getting some good muscle tone (and compliments from people, which is always fun!). I look forward to seeing him! Only a few months left- time is really flying by! (Here is a picture of Charley and I when we took him to Kansas. I miss my boy!!!)
So last night I made the grilled salmon teriyaki dish that I had mentioned previously. Had a few problems with the marinade trying to catch on fire... Besides all of the smoke, it ended up tasting pretty good! The apartment smells pretty interesting right now, though. Tonight I am making another beef dish, which was pretty tasty last time so I'm hoping for the best. I am going to try to stay inside by the heater today if at all possible, so hopefully we have all of the ingredients here so I don't have to bundle up again. :)
Guess that's about all for now. I will write later if anything exciting happens. :)
Okay so the exciting thing that happened was that it started snowing again and I got pictures of it this time. Here you go!!

So last night I made the grilled salmon teriyaki dish that I had mentioned previously. Had a few problems with the marinade trying to catch on fire... Besides all of the smoke, it ended up tasting pretty good! The apartment smells pretty interesting right now, though. Tonight I am making another beef dish, which was pretty tasty last time so I'm hoping for the best. I am going to try to stay inside by the heater today if at all possible, so hopefully we have all of the ingredients here so I don't have to bundle up again. :)
Guess that's about all for now. I will write later if anything exciting happens. :)
Okay so the exciting thing that happened was that it started snowing again and I got pictures of it this time. Here you go!!

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