Turkey in Japan?

Hello everyone. I just got back from the Hummingbird Cafe where we had a wonderful Christmas dinner of turkey, mac and cheese, and some other 'oishi' food (that means 'delicious in Japanese, if I spelled it right), and we also met some nice Japanese folks who spoke English with us and had a few drinks. We paid $30 and got 3 drinks and a buffet of really good food. It was worth it! I will get a picture of the bar owner, William, who is from Jamaica, at a later date. Here are the people we met this evening: Naka-san, Tomiko-san, Naomi-san (who has 2 children, ages 17 and 20... can you believe that?!!? Yeah we couldn't either!!!) and then us. It was a fun evening! I realize how little Japanese I really know. Casey's Japanese skills were pretty impressive, though. He was my official translator for the evening. :) SO I think this is the last time I do a blog after having 3 (actually 4) drinks. Forgive me please. :)
Signing off to a blog that will most likely be deleted tomorrow when I wake up and read the stupid things I was writing,
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