Year End Party #2
The Year End party last night was significantly more crazy that the one before. Oh, and a correction on the last entry- we did karaoke for 5 hours, not 3. Casey and I calculated wrong. I thought it felt like a really long time, but little did I know! Lots and lots of singing...
So last night we went to the Year End party for International students. We were the only Americans there- everyone else was from Korea, China, Singapore, Vietnam, etc., and everyone else was much better at Japanese than Casey or I were, so we thought the night might be a bust and that we wouldn't have as much fun. That's until the hosts of the party said we had unlimited drinks for the majority of the time we were there. Everyone in the room started drinking a LOT, and conversation was definitely not a problem after that. (If you are realizing a theme to these parties, you are right- drinking is very customary in Japanese culture during these sorts of things. We are not alcoholics, I promise!!) Anyway, many of the students wanted to know words in English, so they would ask us a bunch of questions. Then this one dude from Vietnam (who was a little loud and kind of wild, from my observation) started asking me very loud, strange questions in front of the group to be funny. Between his accent and his slurring I could barely understand what he was saying most of the time, but I tried my best. At one point he asked me something like "Do you eat dark meat?" and I was thinking... yeah... chicken, so I was like, "Oh yeah! It's good stuff!" Then he started laughing really hard and I was thinking that I had probably made some kind of ass of myself... then one of the other students (who was significantly less intoxicated) said "He asked if you eat dog meat" to which I responded "NO WAY IN HELL!!!!!!!" with a look of horror on my face, and the guy started laughing even harder. Of course this was the moment where I bust out the
picture of our dog and tell him that we think dogs are pets, NOT food. He said my dog looked very big and that he would have a good meal out of him... and I had to consciously tell myself not to jump over the table and punch him in the head... He thought it was really funny to piss me off so he made sure to say this numerous times throughout the night. I guess it turns out that he was trying to hit on me (and doing a swell job of it, wouldn't you say? HA!) but then he said something about Casey being my boyfriend, and I was like, "Ummm... husband!" (while pointing at the ring) and the kid turned red and realized that Casey could easily break him in half, which shut him up for the rest of the night. :) Casey also managed to get in a few insults in Japanese and put the kid in his place. The mood was not quite as dramatic as it sounds- we were all laughing as we were saying this- but slightly drunken Ashley was having a hard time being nice to the guy when he's talking about eating my dog. Oh, and when I found out his name was Gwen (or something close to that) you'd better believe that I let him know, loudly, that that was a girl's name in the U.S.. :) Everyone seemed to find that pretty amusing.
After that craziness, we decided to go to Bar Orugan and one of the guys from the previous party joined us for about an hour. At the bar, we ended up sitting next to 3 people who were speaking English, and ended up drinking with them the rest of the evening. The girl, named 'Cori' (which is not her real name but it's what the guys called her) was Japanese, but was from Canada, and was here teaching English. I thought that was interesting. Another guy was from Hawaii and their friend was from Washington state. We had a good time hanging out with them and learning about their experiences here. Two of them have been here for 5 years or more, so they had some good advice about places to go and things to do. We exchanged numbers so hopefully we'll get to meet up again before Casey and I leave.
The walk home was pretty funny. I didn't realize how much Casey had to drink until I started talking to him and he was saying really strange things. By the time he was laying in bed, he started talking about LegoLand and building a cable converter(?). I asked him how to do that (because I always start asking him questions when he talks in his sleep, just to see where it goes) and he said "You take the electrons from planet Earth and...." then he trailed off so I asked him again and he said, "It's too complicated, you'll have to look it up." Then he pretty much passed out. That boy is pretty entertaining when he is sleepy or drunk, but a combination of the two proved to be much funnier than I had expected. And man is he going to hate that I put that in my blog. Sorry Case. Couldn't help myself. :)
I guess that's about it for now. We are going with Hara-san to dinner this evening. This weekend we will be doing something on New Year's Eve (still undecided) and then we will be going to Kyoto on Sunday for the New Years festivals. Should be a good time!
Thanks for listening to my rambling... more to come, for sure.
So last night we went to the Year End party for International students. We were the only Americans there- everyone else was from Korea, China, Singapore, Vietnam, etc., and everyone else was much better at Japanese than Casey or I were, so we thought the night might be a bust and that we wouldn't have as much fun. That's until the hosts of the party said we had unlimited drinks for the majority of the time we were there. Everyone in the room started drinking a LOT, and conversation was definitely not a problem after that. (If you are realizing a theme to these parties, you are right- drinking is very customary in Japanese culture during these sorts of things. We are not alcoholics, I promise!!) Anyway, many of the students wanted to know words in English, so they would ask us a bunch of questions. Then this one dude from Vietnam (who was a little loud and kind of wild, from my observation) started asking me very loud, strange questions in front of the group to be funny. Between his accent and his slurring I could barely understand what he was saying most of the time, but I tried my best. At one point he asked me something like "Do you eat dark meat?" and I was thinking... yeah... chicken, so I was like, "Oh yeah! It's good stuff!" Then he started laughing really hard and I was thinking that I had probably made some kind of ass of myself... then one of the other students (who was significantly less intoxicated) said "He asked if you eat dog meat" to which I responded "NO WAY IN HELL!!!!!!!" with a look of horror on my face, and the guy started laughing even harder. Of course this was the moment where I bust out the

After that craziness, we decided to go to Bar Orugan and one of the guys from the previous party joined us for about an hour. At the bar, we ended up sitting next to 3 people who were speaking English, and ended up drinking with them the rest of the evening. The girl, named 'Cori' (which is not her real name but it's what the guys called her) was Japanese, but was from Canada, and was here teaching English. I thought that was interesting. Another guy was from Hawaii and their friend was from Washington state. We had a good time hanging out with them and learning about their experiences here. Two of them have been here for 5 years or more, so they had some good advice about places to go and things to do. We exchanged numbers so hopefully we'll get to meet up again before Casey and I leave.
The walk home was pretty funny. I didn't realize how much Casey had to drink until I started talking to him and he was saying really strange things. By the time he was laying in bed, he started talking about LegoLand and building a cable converter(?). I asked him how to do that (because I always start asking him questions when he talks in his sleep, just to see where it goes) and he said "You take the electrons from planet Earth and...." then he trailed off so I asked him again and he said, "It's too complicated, you'll have to look it up." Then he pretty much passed out. That boy is pretty entertaining when he is sleepy or drunk, but a combination of the two proved to be much funnier than I had expected. And man is he going to hate that I put that in my blog. Sorry Case. Couldn't help myself. :)
I guess that's about it for now. We are going with Hara-san to dinner this evening. This weekend we will be doing something on New Year's Eve (still undecided) and then we will be going to Kyoto on Sunday for the New Years festivals. Should be a good time!
Thanks for listening to my rambling... more to come, for sure.
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